Grid Single Product

Display multiple products from a category on your listing page and help your users make selection hassle-free. The Grid Single Product has five beautiful themes to choose from.

  • Select a product category to list down the products
  • For styling, add the Button Text/Icon, Button Color, Button Background Color, Product Title Color, Price Color, Sale Price Color, Overlay Color, and Background Color
  • For pagination of the products, specify the Extra Class Name, choose the type (Number/Loader), Number of Items per section, Shape, Border Color, Font Color, Background Color, and Active Border, Font, and Background Color
  • Add the Font Family, specify the element ID and Extra class name for additional CSS
  • Define the number of columns to display in a row on different screens
  • Choose an Animation

Theme 01

Theme 02

Denim Jacket

Denim Jacket

25.00 25.00


25.00 25.00
Quilted Jacket

Quilted Jacket

25.00 25.00
Cropped Jacket

Cropped Jacket

25.00 25.00

Theme 03

Theme 04

Theme 05


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